January 29, 2012


I was looking back on my blog post entitled "The Jacksonville Jaguars" (you can find a link to it here: Just click on the word "LINK" : LINK ... and it occurred to me that some of what I said might be construed as racist.

I would like to clear up ANY POSSIBLE misunderstandings there might be over what I said in this post.

First of all, I DO NOT HATE MUSLIMS. I don't think I really came anywhere close to saying I hate Muslims, but if I did, refer to the above statement in capital letters. I actually kind of like Muslims. Most Americans hate terrorists, but I think they're cool! They beat American troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and if I had to pick sides, I'd probably pick the winning side.

Secondly, the Jacksonville owner is NOT evil. I was merely insinuating that he looked evil. I won't say he definitely isn't evil (even if I accidentally did exactly that in the first sentence of this paragraph) but I'm more inclined to say he's good than he's evil. He's probably a terrorist, and like I said, those guys are alright by me.

Third, I may have insinuated that Canadians are a bunch of money-grabbing, team-stealing thieves. As a Bills fan, there's no doubt I have a personal stake in their attempts to money-grab the Bills away from New York. However, that doesn't mean that Canadians are crooked. Only the small group of people in Toronto who are responsible for trying to steal the Bills are the crooked ones. I'd like to state that Canadians, on the whole, are NOT inclined to steal. When I visited Canada, I didn't have one single item stolen from me, nor did I even HEAR of anything being stolen from other American tourists.

Man, I'm glad to get that off my chest. I noticed a big drop-off in my blog views since I posted that Jacksonville Jaguars post, and I was worried that it was 'cause people read something in there that they construed as racist, and they quit looking at my blog. If you know of any such people, make sure they see this post so they'll want to come back and keep viewing my blog. Also tell them to click on my individual blogs, instead of just scrolling down the main page, so as to give me more views.

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