January 23, 2012


Daniel Radcliffe (played by actor Harry Potter) is one of the most successful book serieses of all time. That hardly needs stating. However, SOME of us weren't exactly satisfied with the ending.

Actually, I'm mincing words. Let me put it this way: He (the author) blew it. Don't take it from me; read the internet. Rowling choked, big time. Everybody knows it. The ending sucks.

You're expecting this big battle between Daniel Radcliffe and Voldemort, and yet you're expecting the unexpected. Because that's what crazy books with lots of plot twists teach you to do! But what happens is always a different unexpected thing than the thing YOU were expecting. (Unless you're above the age of like 15, then you saw a lot of it coming. But I digress.) In that last book, instead of the unexpected happening, it's more like the author wrote the entire book before he got to where he needed to wrap everything up, and he STILL hadn't figured out what to do, but he was really sick of writing these damn books so he was like, "What's literally the LEAST creative thing I can think of?" And that's what he wrote, and that's what the ending of the series is.

That's why I wrote my own ending. I'm not gonna lie, it's preeeeeeetty good.

At literally any point in the book, you can switch to this ending, and the transition goes surprisingly smooth. That way, when you can sense that it's starting to go bad, just read this, and you'll get the closure you want.

Suddenly, there in the mire, Daniel Radcliffe saw Voldemort. The evil man was standing with his back to Daniel Radcliffe. He was looking down into a trough of some kind. Daniel Radcliffe slowly crept up to him with his wand raised.
"Don't bother", Voldemort said without turning. "I surrender." Daniel Radcliffe looked towards the feet of this shell of a man; and there, he saw a tiny Doberman puppy, laying in a muddy ditch, as dead as a doornail.
"I killed it," said Voldemort. "I killed it." He pointed the wand to himself, cried "Avada Kedavra!" and was gone forever.
How Daniel Radcliffe and Hermione hooked up, my friends, is a story for another time.
As for Ron, let's just say that he lived happily ever after, since nobody really cares about him at all.


1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Now check this out http://kimjongunlookingatthings.tumblr.com/
